The Restart®Program

Real Food. Real Learning. Real Support

The Restart® Program is a 5-week nutrition class providing education, accountability, and support while you detox from sugar and processed foods.

Restart® teaches you how your body is supposed to function optimally, how and why things tend to go wrong, and how the food we eat can help or hinder that process.

We meet once a week for 5 weeks and you get the opportunity to give your body a vacation from sugar, foods that quickly turn to sugar, and processed foods for just 3 of those weeks.

You might just be amazed at how much different you will feel after just 3 weeks!

upcoming class

WHEN: We will schedule your five 1:1 (or with a buddy) sessions once you sign up!

WHERE: VIRTUAL – in the comfort of your own home!

 COST: $385 (the price in the video is old and doesn’t represent all that I currently offer with the program)– includes a Restart Cookbook, weekly materials, three-week Restart-friendly meal plan (new feature!), accountability, 1:1 support, and education!

Sign up below if you’re ready to jump in! Email me at if you want to chat more about it!

what you’ll learn

WEEK 1: How to prepare for your REAL FOOD sugar detox. Learn tips to get yourself ready physically, mentally, and emotionally for a successful experience.

WEEK 2: Healthy digestion is critical to a healthy body. You’ll learn how digestion is supposed to work, how it goes wrong, and how to optimize yours for better health. This is also when you’ll start your “detox!”

WEEK 3: Everyone KNOWS sugar in excess is bad, but do you know why? Here you’ll learn how your body responds to sugar and refined carbs, and learn how to get off of the sugar roller coaster.

WEEK 4: The truth about fats. What the good ones really are and how to incorporate them into your diet. You may be surprised by what you learn!

WEEK 5: YOU DID IT! You can move forward with your success and keep feeling great! Learn how to integrate the tools and skills you’ve acquired through The RESTART® Program.

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